We only work with seasonal products. This means that we do not always have everything, but when we do, our products are fresh and really good. Check our farmer’s harvest calendar to see the availability of our products.
Aubergines / Garlic / Garlic chieves / Celery / Chard / Broccoli (green, white) / Scallion / Pumpkins / Courgettes / Onions / Spring onions / Chickpeas / Cucumbers / Col / Brussels sprouts / Red Cabbage / Lettuce / Escarole / Spinach / Fava / Fennel / “Carall” white beans / “Ganxet” beans / Green beans / Potato / Peppers / Peas / Leek / Remolatxa / “Tomacó” tomatoes / Tomatoes
January / February / March / April / May / June / July / August / September / October / November / December